About Me

I have done a lot of things in my life and have also worked in many different jobs to make a living and to experience life. This blog is just some of my musings, sometimes funny, sometimes inspirational, sometimes sad, sometimes angry, sometimes simple but all the time, it's just me.

Monday, August 11, 2008


I'm starting to learn more and more about responsibility
And I realize that everything I do is affecting the people around me
I'd like to take this time to apologize to things I have done,
and things that haven't occurred yet.
I'm sorry for the times that I left you home
I was on the road and you were alone
I'm sorry for the times that I had to go
I'm sorry for the fact that I did not know
That you were sitting home just wishing we
Could go back to when it was just you and me
I'm sorry for the times I would neglect
I'm sorry for the times I disrespect
I'm sorry for the wrong things that I've done

Sorry ... everyone especially those who mean a lot to me in my life. Please find some space in your heart to forgive me.

Something is eating everyone lately, and I guess something is eating me too.

Is all that you can't say
Years gone by and still
Words don't come easily
Like sorry like sorry

Forgive me
Is all that you can't say
Years gone by and still
Words don't come easily
Like forgive me forgive me

Take care and be well.

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