About Me

I have done a lot of things in my life and have also worked in many different jobs to make a living and to experience life. This blog is just some of my musings, sometimes funny, sometimes inspirational, sometimes sad, sometimes angry, sometimes simple but all the time, it's just me.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Affirmations of love, gratitude, forgiveness

People talk about affirmations, but what are affirmations? Words have the power to inspire, heal, and transform. They can have a positive affect and can be hurtful. To affirm simply means to make firm.

They are a wonderful complementary tool. There more you affirm positive statements of love, gratitude and even forgiveness, the closer you get to your soul and Divine Source.

Following are a long list of affirmations that I use. Some are sourced from Ho'oponopono and some from other sources. Some are modified to my requirements.

Write your own, or use some below which you find useful. Meditate, visualise, write your own affirmations.

I am the "I".
I come forth from the void into the Light,
I am that emptiness,
That hollowness beyond all Consciousness,
The "I", the "Id", the "All".
I draw my bow of rainbows across the waters,
The continuum of minds with matters.
I am the invisible, untouchable breeze,
the undefinable atom of creation,
I am the "I".

Divine Creator, the Father, Mother, Son as one:
I, All of my family, friends, relatives and ancestors,
From the beginning of time to the present,
If we have in any way
Through thoughts, deeds, words, or actions;
Caused any stress, or wrong
Transgressed or trespassed against the "I" within us or outside of us
For this and for all times,
Then we ask humbly, humbly, humbly, for forgiveness,
And we ask that if there is any unwanted negativity
Any unwanted energy of any kind
That you please cleanse, purify, release, and transmute
Any and all of these unwanted energies of any kind
To Pure Divine Light.
We ask that you sever and cut all aka cords,
And fill in all of those empty spaces within
With Pure Divine Light as well.
In the name of the Divine Creator
We ask that this be Done,
and it is Done!
As we release and set free,
We are in turn released and set free.

Divine Creator:
The Father, Mother, Son as One;
I, All of my family, friends, relatives, and ancestors,
From the beginning of time to the present
We wish to ask humbly, humbly, humbly,
For a way of Ho'oponopono
Between myself from the center of my being
To the very furthest extent of my being and consciousness,
And to everyone, every thing, place and all past and present karma, issues,
And all of our families, friends, relatives, and ancestors,
From the beginning of time to the present.
If there are any unwanted negativities
Or unwanted energies of any kind
Having to do with our relationships or with this matter;
Or with any of the other people, places, things, and karma,
Which we have either knowingly or unknowingly
Omitted from this Ho'oponopono;
Then please cleanse, purify, release, and transmute
any and all of these negativities
Any and all of these unwanted energies of any kind
To Pure Divine Light.
We ask that you sever and cut all Aka Cords,
And fill in those empty spaces With Pure Divine Light as well.
In the name of the Divine Creator:
The Father, Mother, Son as One;
We ask that this be Done a
And it is Done.
As we release and set free,
We are in turn
Released and set free.

Divine Creator:
The Father, Mother, Son as One;
I, All of my family, friends, relatives, and ancestors,
From the beginning of time
To the present
We wish to ask now
For The Pillar of "I" and a Bath of Pure Divine Light.
From the top of our heads to the tip of our toes,
Please bathe me
And all those people, places things and karma
Which we have mentioned in this Ho'oponopono Pule
With the four divine colors of Light . . .
First Indigo Blue Light seven times . . .
Then Emerald Green Light seven times . . .
Then Ice Blue Light seven times . . .
And lastly Lemon to White Light
The color of sea foam in Sunlight
Pure Divine Light seven times.
Please extend a Band of Gold Light
Around each and every atom of each and every
Person, place, thing, or karma included in this process.
Please extend it both above and below
To form a golden sphere of light
With all of the colors of the "I" working inside
In the way of the "I",

The soul of I use the most brilliant light to dissolve
all negative karmic cords, promises, vows, commitments
from all past lives and the present life
with every other souls
which are detrimental for my highest good

The Peace of "I".
Peace be with You,
All My peace.
The Peace that is "I",
The Peace that is "I Am".
The Peace for Always,
Now, and Forever, and Evermore.
My Peace I give to You,
My Peace I leave with You.
Not the World's Peace,
But only My Peace.
The Peace of "I"

May the goodness in me
acknowledge the goodness in you.
May the goodness in you
acknowledge the goodness in me.

I am love
I love with an open heart
Abundance of love flows in me, through me, and from me.
I trust my intuition  and myself.
I am a beautiful expression of life.
I now notice and acknowledge when my inner voice speaks to me.
I choose to bring positive energy of love and gratitude into my day, and my life.
I attract all that I need in my life, health, wealth, love, gratitude and forgiveness.
All I attract is for my highest good.
I am strong, balanced, here and now.
I am love.

I am soul.
I have unlimited potential.
I now step into my power, and I appreciate all of me.
The Divine Source flows in me, through me, and from me.
I can achieve anything I want.
I now know myself as I really am.
I own my power.
I am power.
I am soul.

I love you. I thank you. I am sorry. Please forgive me.

Take care and be well.

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