About Me

I have done a lot of things in my life and have also worked in many different jobs to make a living and to experience life. This blog is just some of my musings, sometimes funny, sometimes inspirational, sometimes sad, sometimes angry, sometimes simple but all the time, it's just me.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Kuching - Day 1

Arrived in Kuching on time on Friday. Ah Boon picked 3 of us up from the airport and we were straight off to Singahsana, our abode for the next 3 days.

We did not do too much on Friday after arriving. Some nice seafood at top spot, then watching Transformers II.

The cheesy lines of Optimus Prime had all of us going I am Optimus Prime lines.

"I am Nilesh Timbadia and I call upon all the Indians to gather in Sarawak and ask the government to declare Dewali as a public holiday. We await for the confirmation."

Said with hands on hips and with an Optimus Prime pose.

It was also nice to see Mack again after about a month.

Take care and be well.

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