About Me

I have done a lot of things in my life and have also worked in many different jobs to make a living and to experience life. This blog is just some of my musings, sometimes funny, sometimes inspirational, sometimes sad, sometimes angry, sometimes simple but all the time, it's just me.

Sunday, April 19, 2009


A spring cleaning weekend but for some reason not feeling extremely well.

The weather has been good and went out to the beach to try out my new kite but today just spent doing 3 loads of laundry and then clearing the room. When you have been here for 3 months, a lot of things are collected and placed around the room and that needs to be packed up as well.

While doing all this, of course I was listening to some music and the latest CD being The best of Trio which includes Da Da Da and another song which is originally an Irish lullaby Turaluraluralu. I am not sleeping too well, so maybe I need to listen to some lullaby.

Of course, this is Trio, so they change the lyrics in originally sing it in German.

In the English version, they sing Tooralooralooraloo, is it old & is it new.

But in the German version, they sing Turaluraluralu, I go boo boo, what do you?

I think this is funnier.

English lyrics below
Long ago and far away
do I miss you I can’t say
far away and long ago
do I miss you I don’t know
uuh I loved it there and then
but would it be like there again
is it old & is it new

is it old & is it new

Long ago and far away
do I miss you I can’t say
I remember your green eyes
and I won’t forget you smile
still I don’t know what to do
maybe dreaming dreams of you
is it old and is it new

Take care and be well.

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